Man’s best friend demonstrates the power of love in the touching spot “Mop Dog” for Dr. Pepper, directed by Imperial Woodpecker’s Simon McQuoid and edited by Cut+Run’s Steve Gandolfi for agency Deutsch LA. Here, a dreadlocked dog finds a friend and ultimately a home on the road with a big-hearted Dr.
Pepper driver who understands that you should “always be one of a kind.Views:
It's Puli, NOT Mop! Oh, My God! Original dog from Hungary!!! :D Idiots.
Ruthie Bernstein
WE LOVE OUR PULI- ZIGGY!!!!! Looks just like the ad but longer dreads! It's our 4th one!!!
Flora Haller
Buy Dr Pepper - Just check out their fab commercial with the no 1 dog in the world a PULI - Not quite my Marley but this one is wonderful.