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World of Advertising

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9 Awesome Cat Commercials That Drive the Internet Wild

Today, for those of you living under a rock, is World Cat Day. But of course, every day is cat day on the Internet. In honor of our feline friends, and their uncanny ability to send Internet users into a state of euphoria simply by existing, we present nine of the looniest cat commercials ever made.

Some of the entries come from Unruly Media's new list of the most-shared cat ads ever; others are just some of our favorites. All of them are like catnip to the kitty-loving YouTube masses.

Cats rarely work, but at least here they fake it. Also: Fish vending machine! By DDB Paris.

Managing the complexities of the digital economy is … sort of like herding cats? That was EDS's message in this 2000 Super Bowl spot from Fallon.

Oh wow, I love your fuzzy new Ugg-like boots. Wait, those aren't boots! From DDB Chicago.

An ad agency, John St., shifting its entire focus exclusively to cat videos? Not a bad idea.

Pets tried to figure out their owners in this series of hilarious adoption ads from Draftfcb Chicago. Poop already!


It doesn't get much crazier than The Martin Agency's goofy, frightening, yodeling cat. Walmart's gift to you during the 2011 holidays.

Go ahead, get licked by this weird Skittles spot, part of the unsettling "Touch" series from BBDO in Toronto.

I want, I want, I want. It's no give and all take with cats. But at least they're cute in delivering their demands.

A classic of the genre by Wieden + Kennedy London. The future already looks grim. Imagine if cats had thumbs.

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