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World of Advertising

64 подписчика

The bar that Jack Built

Jack Daniels built a bar and it's the perfect balance of hipster and harley-rider.

Jack Daniel's fans have built a bar as a place to celebrate Mr Jack Daniel's 164th birthday. Cue live rock music and harmonicas and enter men with full and luscious beards, women with bright red lipstick and Dave Grohl look-a-likes.

"The Bar that Jack Built" features Jack Daniel bottle lanterns hanging from the ceilings with a dark, wooden back drop contrasting red-hued artwork and fairy lights.

All of the attendees donated materials or time to the construction of the bar and five campaign films are featured alongside the creation. The six-week lead up to the event saw Jack Daniel's spread the word using social media and word of mouth campaigns via Arnold Furnace.

Source: http://www.adnews.com.au/



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