In Bud Light's Super Bowl XLIX ad, a local man is down for some old-school fun that starts him on the night of a lifetime. In this case, being Up for Whatever puts you in a life-size Pac-Man game.
Maura Judkis
As a commercial, it’s not as funny as last year’s “Up for Whatever” effort, which brought in Arnold Schwarzenegger to play “tiny tennis” and put Bud Light’s randomly-selected bro in an elevator with Don Cheadle and a llama. As a real-life game, though, life-sized Pac Man is a million dollar idea. Nostalgia-fueled Millennials would line up in droves. There could be a Super Mario Brothers obstacle course, a Duck Hunt shooting range. Bud Light: Make it happen.
Yas Mean
HOLY SHIT did i just see +KRNFX in a superbowl commercial!?!?!?!??!?!?! boy is there no stopping you!? also can someone please make this a real thing that happens like every damned weekend because i would totally play this shit.